Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hi.second post of today...if you scroll down you can read the first one before this..only 22 minutes to go, and having written for the last couple of hours got a big scare that the post was momentarily suspended and unleashed from the main blog site and that i might have lost it! Yikes! so totally depressing to get it all down and then to lose it in one fell swoop..Appreciate everyone out there reading this, you never know when you are writing if it is just heading somewhere out there into whatever cyberspace is along with all the other thousands, millions, billions of blogs and facebooks and anything else spinning around and vying for attention; i love to write. I love to record what i am experiencing, seeing, thinking about, it makes me feel closer to a connection with home, and forces me to really look, think about, remember..everything is so very different here..layers and layers, and i know, i am just brushing the face of it softly...please send questions or ideas, or something you want me to include in this email at my address...
and A bit of trivia...
I celebrated Valentines Day this morning by moving out of the room Ive been enduring since i arrived, it was big enough, with a bathroom but my pillow was about 20 ft from the outside courtyard where they have installed, since last year, a television set,with one volume it seems, at loud, very loud. I hate it. when i do convince them to turn it down, it stays on as background prattle - plus the big safari trucks storm into same courtyard, sometimes at 2 in the morning, wheezing and spewing exhaust, and spilling out drivers, half drunk, loudly banging on the garage doors to awaken security, to get attention. Last night was the worst. So today i am back into the same room i tool a year ago, at the front of the building..we shall see....
the Orphanage.....visited today, visit every couple of days, but it is uncontrollable, to me, unmanageable this year, with 35 little kids, aged 3 up to about 12...16 sleep and live there permanently, the others sleep out, with relatives...two bedrooms, one for the boys, one for the girls, bunk beds, with four lined up wideth wide across the toys, one swing out front, a tree to climb in, the dust to play, mud during the rains, a swarm of little kids, dirty, thread bare, running, racing here, there, and when i come, and sit down on the ground they move in, cling, grab, hold, touch, want, dearly, so sweetly, it breaks my heart.....
3 minutes to go!
have a beautiful day..hugs....Lynn

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